
Reduce the odds of getting infected with our waterless gel hand sanitizers

Amid the positive cases and deaths due to coronavirus, it is highly recommended to wash your hands with soap and water whenever possible as hand wash reduces the amount of all types of germs and chemicals. In case, you are not near the sink or do not have access to soap and water, do not ignore hand hygiene. Use alcohol-based...

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Five Delicious Soups to Keep your Costs Low and Customers Happy

Balancing a menu can be tough. The cost of food seems to be forever on the rise, and customers are not looking to pay more, to be honest. It’s time to look at some dishes that can cut your food costs. Easy to make, fast to serve, and with a wide revenue margin, soups and creams are often overlooked. It’s...

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Five Easy Ways to Cook Beef During the Festive Season

The holidays are around the corner, are you ready for them? Perhaps you still don’t know where you’re spending the never-ending parade of dinner parties and get-togethers of the season, but who knows, you might end up hosting a few of your own. Therefore, we made this short guide to give you ideas on what to serve your guests, this...

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How to Hire (and hold onto) your next Head Chef

Whether you’re a small restaurant owner, a food and beverage manager at a hotel or work in HR, recruiting and retaining kitchen staff can be an absolute nightmare. The difficulties in both hiring and holding onto kitchen staff is amplified even more when it comes to employing a head chef, where the stakes are higher and the repercussions could cost you...

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The Benefits of Going Eco-friendly for your Restaurant

Lush green mountains, running rivers, picturesque landscapes have an appeal that none of the manmade artifacts can match. So, the idea that we, humans, are guilty of leading these beautiful creations to their demise is heart-wrenching. With the evidence piling against the human race for the exploitation of mother earth, many people and brands have become aware of their crimes...

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The Importance of Lighting In Your Restaurant

Lighting plays a major role in the atmosphere created in a restaurant setting, and can mean the difference between it feeling inviting and enjoyable to customers or not. The fixtures, lighting tones and even lighting placement are key factors in creating a desirable setting while also fulfilling a function. Understanding the various aspects of lighting and knowing which types work best...

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